BG went back to the doctor today. We had good news. Her ears are clearing up. Although she still has fluid in them, they are no longer infected. She tested negative for food allergies! BB's allergies kind of crept up and took us by surprise. Since she seemed to be having digestive upset, we thought we better get her tested as well. Hopefully the ear infections are done for the time being. At the end of the December we will be taking her to an ENT and to get her hearing checked.
Her language skills have been coming along! She signs "more," "hot," and every once in a while I see the sign for "cracker." She tries to imitate all of BB's funny noises and made-up words. She waves and says, "Bye-bye." She calls her bottle "Ba-Ba." It is so exciting to watch all this emerge. Every once in a while some other words slip out (meow, hot). She is starting to point at everything. DH and I think we saw/heard her point at Jacob the other day and say. "Stop!" I am not sure she was, but it was very funny nonetheless.
BB also has a cold. He stayed home from preschool on Tuesday. I was a very brave Mommy! I took both kids to the Hospital for Faith's blood work and then into DH's office to get a flu shot.
We are slowly building new routines and new ways of doing things. BB has struggled sharing his parents, sharing his space, and sharing his toys. Most siblings do not arrive as active, demanding toddlers! Yesterday BG was crying. He offered her his blanket, his stuffed animal, and patted her tummy. He then asked if he could pick her up. BB weighs about 29 lbs. and BG is almost 26 lbs.! I said that he could sit in the rocking chair and hold her on his lap. He did that and then tried to wipe her tears with a tissue. Not every moment is so "Hallmark," but he is making steady improvements in terms of accepting that she is here to stay (and that she might be a little bit fun as well!).