
Motherhood has a very humanizing effect. Everything gets reduced to essentials. ~Meryl Streep

Any mother could perform the jobs of several air traffic controllers with ease. ~Lisa Alther

Now, as always, the most automated appliance in a household is the mother. ~Beverly Jones

About Me

I am 39 years old (for real!). I live with my husband (DH) and two children, Baby Boy (BB) and Baby Girl (BG). BB is a little over 3 ½ years old and BG is 2 years old. Both of my children were adopted. They were born in South Korea. My favorite story in the world is the story of how we came to be a family.

Like most stories, it is not without some moments of pain and difficulty. DH and I got married in 2003. Just shy of a year later, we started trying to conceive. Month after month we were disappointed. It was a busy time in my life. I was working full time as a school psychologist, as well as finishing up graduate classes to become certified as a school administrator. I thought maybe stress was impacting our ability to get pregnant.

After about a year of trying, DH and I got pregnant. It ended quickly, with the first of my three miscarriages. We started fertility treatments a few months later. A full battery of tests revealed nothing “wrong” with me or Peter. No diagnosis was ever made. We entered the emotional rollercoaster of fertility medications, inseminations, and in vitro fertilization. We had another pregnancy, which turned out to be ectopic and had to be terminated. We had a third pregnancy, which ended when I miscarried at almost 10 weeks, after seeing the baby’s heart beating at the ultrasound appointment only a week earlier.

Those four years were very difficult. As I mentioned, I am a school psychologist. My work has always been a source of great satisfaction for me. I pride myself on being an advocate for children and families. One of the reasons I chose this profession is that I love working with children. I have spent all of my adult life working in schools. It was unbelievable to me that, despite my love for children, it looked as if I might not become a mother.

I was attending a meeting at school when I overheard a conversation that changed my life forever. One of the school administrators, who also happens to be an adoption caseworker, mentioned to a colleague that she had 7 babies available for adoption at that time. There were babies who needed families! Peter and I were a family who needed a baby.

A few months later we started the process to bring home our son.. It was an emotional, exciting, and hopeful time. We were overjoyed to have him in our lives. About 2 years later, we adopted our daughter. Not a day goes by that I don’t get emotional about how lucky we are to be parents to these two wonderful and amazing children.

Life worked out exactly as it should. It could be said that the story had a “happy ending.” I believe it was actually a “happy beginning.” I am currently a stay-at-home mommy, but I have plans to return to work in September, 2012. My husband and I have always been very open about our struggle to have a family. We are equally as open about the joy we have experienced through adoption.

I am passionate about issues related to infertility, assisted reproduction, and adoption. When I have a spare moment, I like to blog on these issues, as well as read other people’s blogs and articles.
I also love to spend time with my family, read, and ride horses.

I recently joined the boards of Love the Children of Rochester parent support group and Parenthood for Me.