I should be in bed, but it is so hard to find a few minutes of time to sit down at the computer. BB has been gradually giving up his nap, so we decided to do away with it altogether. No nap certainly has its pros and cons!
These last 6 weeks or so BG has been healthy....and she has blossomed. I imagine that all parents go through this phase of "discovering" the personalities of their children. For some reason, I think this process is different for those who become parents through adoption. Maybe it is because I know that BG and BB had a whole other life in Korea, one I don't know much about. I know that other life shaped and formed them, but I can only see evidence of it by watching who they become as they grow older. Maybe it is because my children came home at an older age, so this "unfolding" and revealing of their personalities was somewhat condensed into a shorter period of time. Their personalities were well on their way to being formed before I was blessed enough to hold them in my arms.
I really misjudged my daughter! As I have mentioned before, she was frequently ill the first 5 months she was home. She had 4 ear infections, tubes in her ears, and two hospitalizations for dehydration. She didn't really catch a break. Being sick, combined with the normal grieving and adjustment period, contributed to her being somewhat withdrawn and shy. She was not showing a lot of interest in talking. She was somewhat clingy and hesitant. Sleeping was difficult and we were all having a hard time developing a routine.
Well...that little girl is gone! Our BG is sassy, opinionated, bold, fearless, loud, and so much fun! She is constantly trying new words (usually shouted at the top of her lungs). She is a brave swimmer and climber. She still loves to read, but now slows down to name objects and look at the pictures. Most notably, she is stubborn and persistent. The other day she was told "no," so she dramatically left the room and noisily closed the door behind her (we are going to be in trouble when she is 16!). She can hold her own with her brother. She sings and can carry a tune, although she doesn't know the words. She throws balls (and forks, cups, bowls, blocks, etc.) like a champ. She has her own style of dancing, one that is completely unique. She loves animals and meows like a cat backwards ("woemmmmm").
Each day I feel that same excitement and anticipation that you feel on Christmas morning. I can't wait to see what new part of BG we will get to see that day. Adoption is an amazing journey, and our little BG is an amazing girl.
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